Courtesy of Mish China's problem is rampant growth in money supply. Instead of curbing the problem, China prepares to address the symptoms, city by city.
Be smart and you should be just fine. Currently there is no political unrest, though that could change at any moment. Crime is rampant, but by paying attention to your surroundings and not doing anything stupid you should be o.k. ...
Product endorsement and promotional advertising is rampant in blogging these days. If you've been blogging for a while and your readership has grown to a certain level, you've been approached about this. ... On a travel blog (say my travel blog), I expect to see hotel reviews and guidebook giveaways. But on a writing blog? On a writing blog (or any personal blog, for that matter), we're supposed to be above all this, aren't we? We're supposed to be writing for the love of ...